Project Aims
A Gypsy’s Wish touches on the sensitive issues facing young Travellers today, such as racism, bullying, schooling and housing. It was hoped that by undertaking such a project that the Travelling and non-Travelling communities could be helped towards a greater understanding of each other, and that the people within the Romany community could explore mechanisms to help bring about any desired large-scale lifestyle changes.
These aims were targeted to be achieved through:
- Investing in a new and innovative way of getting young people involved in a community scheme
- Using drama to explore the issues that currently affect Travellers
- Offering young people the chance to take part in a challenging and rewarding Project that appealed to them because it was creative and exciting
- Encouraging and empowering young Travellers to write a story and present the issues that mattered to them as a video – a medium most communities can understand
- Creating opportunities for Travellers to talk about the film and the issues that affect them at a series of conferences across Suffolk
- Not compromising the integrity of anyone from the Travelling community taking part in either the film or the conferences